Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sound, y Fury

Finished this famous novel. Once I was in a book club that met regularly to discuss this work but internal strife and intrigue tore it apart. If the bickering and backstabbing - literal backstabbing - hadn't brought about its downfall, it would have collapsed on its own contradictions. No I don't mourn the passing of the book club. I don't mourn Elizabeth's untimely passing, even though I held her in my arms as the blood left her heart through the stab wound in her back and watched the light leave her eyes. Did she whisper my name as she died? I like to think that she did but actually she said, "I feel jes like a squinch owl inside." It sure was a weird book club.

Best of 2010

Everyone got their laughs putting up Top 10's - or 16's - for 2009. I couldn't help but notice (a) that they were composed entirely of music albums and (b) that they dwelled on the past. Here's to the future!

5. New haircut. I got a new haircut. I'm going to look awesome this year.

4. New places. Might move.

3. New friends. Ha! Just joking. You guys rule.

2. New Guilty Pleasures. Album. Drops soon, right Wiley?

1. New socks. Holy shit I need new socks. Please tell me I get to have new socks this year.

2010 sure is looking bright! I resolve not to piss most of it away. If I can help it.