Thursday, July 8, 2010


I have a lot of good friends. In fact I have the best friends out of anyone ever. I don't want any new friends. I don't even want to meet new people. I've already had to talk to too many strangers here in Las Cruces.

For instance, there's Eric. I saw Eric at El Patio - awesome terrible bar - and almost had eleven heart attacks before I realized I didn't recognize him from Annapolis: I recognized him from High Desert Brewery across town. We had a friendly chat outside and ended up at the same party. You see what I mean? It's already happening.

Eric works at High Desert with Matteo, who's a tough nut, but likable. Additionally, he is 2007ish Kevin Madsen. I'm talking glasses, beard, long hair, shitty restaurant job. Come on, Kevin, what are you doing out here? I might have fallen for it, but I mean, what the fuck kind of name is Matteo?

I'll omit some people for brevity's sake. In fact, along with Dwayne, they should get their own posts. But it's very important to mention Dwayne, or as I call him, "New Mexico Alec." I'm not sure what the resemblance is exactly, and of course Alec is way awesomer.

Anyway, Dwayne plays pool. Everyone here plays pool. I don't have a job. I think I'll start playing pool, gambling, and drinking during the day. Cheers!


christina said...

Funny. I've had occasion to notice, too, that I find myself (sometimes unfairly) well disposed toward strangers who resemble my old friends.

Kevtron said...

You got me!